The reason why I will be putting henna in my hair is; I want some new color but dont want to use drying dyes with alot of chemicals in it.
But, Before I go on I want to Warn you about a few things.
Never Ever use anything called compound henna on previously chemically treated hair. That means if you’ve ever dyed your hair, relaxed it, gotten a perm only use body art quality henna.
Using compound henna can cause burns and hair loss. An easy way to tell compound henna from body art quality henna is that often times compound henna will say things like, “blonde henna” “black henna” etc.
Body art quality does not come in colors per say. Compound henna has added metallic salts and chemicals to change the color of the henna and you don’t want that. My hair is Natural though but I still think you shouldnt use this type of henna on whatever hair type you have. Compound henna is really bad for any hair type!
Now if you aren’t certain about your henna harvest take some hair from your combs and brushes, mix up a tiny amount and put the hair into it for 4-10 hours rinse it and see the results. If you don’t like what you see don’t use it!
Also, as with anything you put on your body, please do a patch test first. Mix a little bit of henna and apply to a small area of skin to make sure you’re not allergic to it.
Are you Ready?
Okay let’s get to Started.
You will need henna. I use Jamila henna but you can use bulk henna or any other brand of henna that is marked as body art quality. I have very thick neck length hair. I use about 100 grams of henna.
You can Purchase this Brand from It was about $7.99 per pack.
Next you will need some cheap conditioner. The key thing to look for is something low cost (I buy any variety of Tresemme conditioner at walmart). Make sure it is a moisturizing conditioner. You'll need this to to mix with the henna it makes your hair more softer.
You'll also need a plastic or ceramic bowl. I use plastic tubs with a lid. You can even use recycled butter tubs etc as long as you have a lid. Generally I like using a container that is bigger than I think I'll need in order to contain the mess.
Here are the Products you will need:
1) Olive oil, you can also use Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil etc.
2) Hot water (I prefer to use near boiling)
3) Honey (this is optional it makes the hair more softer also)
4) Pepermint Oil (this gives it a great smell this is optional to)
5) Some Cheap Conditioner ( I use any Tresseme Brand)
6) Plastic Gloves.
7) Plastic Shower cap
8) Lemon Juice (this is optional it makes the color of your hair more lighter.
9) Henna (I use the Jamilla Brand Henna) 100g
10) Vaseline (optional this is to avoid staining your
(Forehead,Ears & Neck area)
11) Plastic Dye Bottle (Optional but this make applying the henna so much easier)
Now Before you get Started, make sure you Shampoo your hair. You always want to have Fresh Clean hair. Also detangle the hair to.
I have found it easiest to detangle my hair and section it off in 6-8 sections using small ponytail holders. Now you're ready to start applying your henna to damp hair not dripping wet or dry. You will not be using a comb thru this whole process if you have natural hair. It is easier to part with your fingers. You should have already detangeld your hair after you washed it
Lay down some papertowels or a big plastic bag around your work area because mixing henna can be a little messy sometimes.
First off start your water heating up and while that's going put your powdered henna into your bowl. I use a spatula to stir it with and after your henna is in the bowl make a little depression in the middle to keep you from splashing yourself. Once your water is at almost a near boil start pouring it into your henna little by little. Now add the conditioner & your other optional products.
Mix all very well until your henna is a nice cake batter consistency. Make sure you mix it well and check for lumps until you end up with a nice smooth but not runny texture. Put a platic cap over the bowl if you dont have a lid for it.
If you dont like the Smell of the Henna b/c it do have a funny Smell you can add Perpermint Oil. You can also use a Great Essential Oil Scent ( use what ever scent you like) Body or Hair Oil.
Put the lid on your container and leave it out over night. Make sure you keep it at room temp. B/c the Warmth makes the color release in the henna even better!
For more color release you can experiment with your mix by adding dark coffee for a more brown tint, for a more red tint try adding a tiny squeeze of lemon juice, a pinch of salt or even some red tea.
Also Right before applying your henna add in a few tablespoons of your chosen oil and mix well. Dont forget to put your gloves on b/c henna can stain them. Now put your henna inside of your plastic dye bottle.
I would also apply Vaseline to your ears,forehead and neck area just like you do when you are dying or perming your hair. Apply your henna to each section of hair from root to tip. Be sure to cover it well. To keep hair organized and out of the way I use plastic clips like these to hold sections away from my face and to keep the hair that I haven't hennaed yet clear of my hands.
Once you've got your hair all covered to not try to comb it. Gently pile hair together and slide your shower cap on. Now if you like you can start your clean up now. Use warm water & soap or rubbing alcohol to remove any spots from the counter or floor. My clean up was such a breeze b/c I cleaned up as I went. It wasnt messy at all.
I always leave my henna in my hair overnite for enriched color. But if you dont want to you can leave it on for 4-5 hours or so. The longer you leave it in the more enriched the color will be. If you're worried about drips you can wrap a scarf around your shower cap and go on about your day. Since I will have it in over night i will put 2 plastic caps on so it wont get all over my pillows. I also changed my pillow case to a old one just incase it got stained.
Next its time to get ready to Rinse out the henna.
Rinse the henna out with warm water. Carefully loosen the henna with your fingers under warm running water. I like to rinse the bulk of henna out this way. The easiest thing to do is to rinse it out in the kitchen sink. Use the sprayer in the sink if you have one it makes it much easier for people with long hair.
Work it in gently with your fingertips and rinse. If you're hair is natural like mine; I highly suggest doing a deep conditioning for about 20 mins. Get under the hair dryer if you have time. If not just put on a plastic cap or use saran wrap. Just to make sure your hair is really moisturized!
For African Americans or anyone with coarser hair, curly hair or hair that's prone to dryness I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to make sure you deep condition and moisturize your hair once you're done hennaing.
This is one of the things that I love about using henna. I can dye my hair & give my hair an excellent protein treatment all in one.
You will love the way the henna makes your hair feel & look.
It makes it softer & adds a hint of color too.
Please View My Video Below That will Show you Step-By Step How to
Apply Henna Correctly!
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